Friday, March 11, 2011

The Lincoln Assassination book tour - April 2011

Hi Everyone

The April book tour to Michigan has been completed. Starting the evening of April 12th I will introuduce the fourth novel in the Drieborg Chronicles, The Lincoln Conspiracy, at the Lowell, Michigan library. The next day will see a presentation at Aquinas College followed by an evening presentation at the Grand Rapids Public Library. Thursdayand Friday will see me addressing service clubs in the eastern part of the state followed by a Saturday signing in Lapeer at the Lapeer Book Shelf store. I'll give presentations on Monday and Tuesday at Rotary, Lion and Kiwanis clubs as well. Phew!

I have already mailed up sixty some books to MI and will have fifty of The Lincoln Assassination sent ahead as well. Check out my web site for the schedule as you are invited to attend any of those listed. Dr. Michael J. Deeb