Sunday, December 27, 2009

Michigan Book Tour

Hi Everyone

Just prior to Thanksgiving, I completed a 12 day book tour in Michigan. I was there to launch the third novel in the Drieborg Chronicles, Honor Restored.

This novel is set in the early days of Reconstruction. It digs into the postwar socio/economic problems faced by members of Congress, the southern landed aristocracy, freedmen, and the military.

During my trip north, I gave Civil War presentations to 416 people (mostly Rotarians). That included 8 Rotary Clubs, 2 libraries, 2 college presentations, 3 book store signings and a private signing for a Rotary Club fundraiser. All in all, I drove almost 2,000 miles in MI on this tour. The roads were clear for that time of year - the Lord was looking after me.

Pictures have been posted on the Honor Restored page of my website