Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Drieborg Chronicles update - June 09

Last week I sent in the manuscript for the third in the series, Honor Restored to the publisher. Once I follow-up with three maps, a cover is picked and various proofing issues are resolved, it should be on the way. I expect it to be available in the fall, much like the first two in the series. Internet Marketing As you might have noted, not only do I have this web page, but I have added a blog, a facebook account and lenkedin to my marketing efforts. Check them out. The internet addresses are listed below. Book Tours/Signings The Tampa area presentations are continuing. I talk about the events, attitudes and economics which led to the outbreak of war between the states. After a recent presentation, a lady (four foot ten inches tall, at least) with a walker came to the front of the room and told me in no uncertain terms: "Young man!" she forcefully told me. "It was not a civil war 'a tall. It was 'the war of northern aggression'." "Yes ma'am." She did not buy a book. This July I will be in Michigan from the 18th through the end of the month. I have eight presentations at this point. Included is one at Schuler Books on 28th Street on the evening of July 23rd at 7 PM. Join me early in their cafeteria for something to eat/drink and conversation. In November I will be back in MI on the 13th to introduce the third book in the trilogy. I have another dozen presentations both in the Thumb area and the Grand Rapids area. Included this time are four in the Detroit suburbs. About time I get into that market. --
